The quick-jointed connectors are designed to work in electric circuits of direct, alternating (frequency up to 3 MHz) currents.Connectors consist of two parts: plugs and sockets. Plugs and sockets can be either instrument or cable. Instrument plugs are made in a sealed or leaky design, sockets - in a leaky one.Connectors are manufactured without a branch pipe, with an open-type branch pipe without a casing, with a closed-type branch pipe without a casing or with a casing. The connectors have a rubber insulator that protects the mounting space from environmental influences.The articulation of the plugs with sockets is bayonet, the polarization of the housings is multi-pin.Coating of contacts in connectors: RBM4, RBM4N - gold, RBM5, RBM5N - silver.The connectors are designed for internal mounting in an all-climatic design in accordance with the specifications of GEO.364.196TU (ASHDK.434410.087TU).

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